Monday, December 19, 2011

New World Globes and Map Projections Coloring Book

We have been pretty busy at map central working on some new projects. Some of them are in a new direction producing actual paper books for educations, learning and just fun. World Globes and Map Projections Coloring Book is the first of a series of Map coloring books that a based off of our map collections.

In World Globes you will learn and color the basic geographic layout of the world with World Maps and Globes Coloring Book.  World Globes is great for coloring, home school, education and even marking up a map for marketing. Blank, outline, printable maps are presented in several ways, one page with detail and the other page with a blank outline without any of the information, great to color how ever you want. Students can trace the outlines of the map, study and highlight continents and features on the blank map.  A great resource for students.

Black outline blank maps included in the book are: World Robinson Projection, World Mercator Projections, Sinusoidal 6 point World Projection, United States, Canada and North America. Also lots of Globes to color: North & South America, Europe, North America, South India Ocean, South America, Pacific Ocean, Middle East, Japan & Pacific Ocean, India & Asia, Australia, Africa, North Pole and the South Pole. 76 pages

The printable, blank, outline maps in this handbook can be freely photocopied by a teacher or parent for use in a classroom or for home school lessons.

Our book is available at and in a downloadable pdf.

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To learn more or check out the pdf version please visit,

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